Updating my galleries

Updating my galleries

updating my galleries

Updating my Galleries

I know I have neglected my website and my blog for a while and I sincerely apologise for that, I will try to update again more frequently.
Saying that, today I decided to start updating my photo albums again. I added all my paper craft creation photo’s till Februari, there where so many that I had to make a new page.

These are the 3 pages of my galleries that got updated today.
You can visit them by clicking on the links in the text below.

This the page is of the boxes that got updated.

The first album page of my cards got an update too, but just a little one.
You can find the updated ones at the bottom of the album.

Now this is link is the new page that I had to ad to my gallery albums.
This one will be updated when there is new work to ad.

Here are a few of the items that I made and uploaded into my galleries.

Carina Veling
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