Tree of Life, how many can I make

Tree of Life, how many can I make



tree of life

Tree of Life, how many can one make?

The past week, or maybe a bit more I have been making a “few” tree of life pendants.
I started making them when I found 2 boxes with gemstone chips, some very small.
I used some silver plated and gilt wire that I had left from a test order from

It was so relaxing and addictive to make these little trees that I ordered me some more silver plated wire. And while I was ad it I also tossed some rose gold plated wire in my cart.
I always wanted to try rose gold wire. 🙂


sp en rg plated wire
this is what 5 kilo wire looks like 🙂

Now I know you all want to see how many I made so far so I will stop rambling and make the gallery. As you can see none of them are the same.  🙂

Of course I will be making some more of these little tree of life pendants,  at least till I have a silver plated and a rose gold plated one of each stone, or until I get bored of making them.  🙂

What do you think aren’t they cute?  🙂 

Carina Veling
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