Tools – JAC September Blog Carnival

Tools – JAC September Blog Carnival



Tools - JAC September Blog Carnival

Tools – JAC September Blog Carnival

This post is for the blog carnival (blog hop) at the Jewelry Artisans Community and it’s all about tools, the ones I have, the ones I use a lot, the ones I made myself or my hubby and those that are still on my wishlist.

I have a lot of tools that I bought and I still haven’t used them.
I bought a few drawplates years ago to draw wire trough to get different shaped wires.
I think I used them once or twice. So far I counted 3 bench vises, tons of pliers, a jewelers saw, a loom, a torch and so on.

beadsmith pliers
beadsmtih pliers

Some of these equipments I do use a lot, like the Beadsmith plier set in the purple wallet. I bought those in 2007 or so and I’m still using those the most. The same goes for the crimping pliers, not for crimping beads but for making perfect round wrapped loops.
And then there are my Xuron cutters, a heavy duty one for cutting steel and memorie wire and then my flush cutter that I bought from Aliexpress last year which I absolutely love.

xuron cutters
Xuron Cutters

Some of the tools I or my hubby made ourselves because they where not available in my country at that time or they where way to expensive.
I started with the coiling mandrels (1.5 mm pins I bought at the hardware store) and the jumpring mandrels (knitting needles) soon after that I made my wooden drawboard for my vikingweaves. My hubby made the green wigjig and the green personalised tumbler for me.

coilers and knitting needles
part of my coilers and jumpringmakers

I always wanted a bench block for hammering my components on, till now I used the big benchvise or the tiny anvil, and I just ordered me one in the UK. One with a wooden base.

There are a few more tools I would love to have and some day I will buy them, one at the time of course.
I would love to have some texturing hammers, a doming set, a disk cutter, a lortone tumbler and a jumpring maker from pepe tools. But that is all for later when I’m grown up.

Till that time I have to help myself with the tools you see below. 🙂

Feel free to ask me about my tools or tell me about the tools you have, use and love.

I will add the links from our other JAC members when available, so you can read their blogpost about their experiences with bead stores.

Cat’s Wire

Jewelry Art By Dawn

Carina Veling
I'm also on
Laatste berichten van Carina Veling (alles zien)

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