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Tag: amethyst

Bead Store Experiences – August 2016 Blog Carnival

Bead Store Experiences – August 2016 Blog Carnival

Bead Store Experiences – August 2016 Blog Carnival   This post is for the blog carnival at the Jewelry Artisans Community and it’s all about our experiences with bead stores.We have a lovely craft store in one the surrounding villages but I don’t go there much anymore.I did go there almost every week before I discovered the internetThey carry a comprehensive variaty of beads and findings but the things I mostly look for is either not in their stock or way to…

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February Birthstone – Amethyst

February Birthstone – Amethyst

February Birthstone – Amethyst Amethyst is the february birthstone and the gem for the 6th and 17th wedding anniversaries,Its colour is as unique as it is seductive, and this gemstone of all gemstones is said to protect its wearer against seduction. It has a gorgeous colour going from violet to purple and can change colour when heated. The February birthstone poem reflects some of the properties with which amethyst is associated – stability, peace, balance, courage, inner strength, sincerity and a…

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~*~ gemstone heaven ~*~

~*~ gemstone heaven ~*~

 Gisteren met de buurvrouw op sjouw geweest, ze moest even naar een goudinkoper om wat oude sieraden weg te brengen, ik weet eeuwig zonde maar ja dat was haar keuze. Nu zitten we daar bij die inkoper en vraagt ze wat ze met de steentjes doen die er in de juwelen zitten. Zegt die meneer: “niets, ik gooi ze in een bakje” en wees naar een schaaltje wat op de tafel stond. Mijn hartje begon sneller te kloppen, zou ik…

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