Something New – JAC Challenge

Something New – JAC Challenge

Since it’s a new month and a new year, your challenge is to make something new. You can use new beads/materials, techniques, a tutorial, a color that you haven’t used before – just anything that is new to you.

Something New – JAC Challenge

The challenge for Januari 2016 from the Jewelry Artisans Community was to make something new.  

This is an easy one for me, because most of the times I create something it is to challenge me to see if I can. That’s why all my creations are so different. Maybe one of the reasons I love making jewelry for so many years because it never gets bored this way. 🙂

It just so happend that I had just found a fresh tutorial (for me that is) online which I made twice. It is perfect for my Something New entry  The tutorial is from Ruby Lockwood – the Diamond Sparkle Bracelet which can be found on You Tube.

something new - jac challenge
something new - jac challenge

And  also had a tutorial in a special folder, where I keep all the interesting finds I want to try, on my desktop. This was a Vietnamese or Korean pattern to make a beaded ring covered with bicone flowers. I had some struggle with it the first 2 flowers but the other went like a charm.  I will paste the tutorial on the botum of my post.

something new - jac challenge

The following earrings are Cat’s from Cat’s Wire design.

My friend brought me a few of these fabulous Mackintosh rose beads last summer, so I guess they count as new (I had completely forgotten about the bag full of beads she brought me). And I actually never made tassels.

She should make tassels more often because this one is gorgeous. 🙂

something new - jac challenge
by Cat’s Wire

We had to wait for Dawn form Jewelry Art By Dawn, she is making a long trip in Asia and all she took with her where het pliers and some wire. I don’t think she needed more for these cunning earrings. Her first time of trying post earrings.

I’ve been wanting to experiment with post earrings for a while. Since I don’t solder, they had to be made from wire sturdy enough to hold up to wear. These are a very rough prototype as all I have with me right now are a couple of spools of copper wire and a few tools, but I like direction these took.

something new - jac challenge
by Jewerly Art By Dawn

I think she should explore into these some more, can’t wait to see what other designs she will come up with when she has her full stash at hand to use.

Now as promised the tutorial for the beaded flower ring pendant.
Click on the thumbnail to get a bigger view.

beaded flower ring pendant pattern
beaded flower ring pendant

Feel free to visit the websites from the others and most of all feel free to share this article or leave a comment about your new designs or techniques.

Carina Veling
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2 gedachten over “Something New – JAC Challenge

  1. Great post, Carina!

    I enjoyed seeing the new techniques we tried – it’s my feeling that it’s important to try new things in order to continue making fresh designs. Even if we decide we don’t like the technique, it’s one more thing to add to our bag of tricks. More than once, I’ve been able to incorporate a design element into a piece using an idea from another project that didn’t work out.

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