Project I like to try this year

Project I like to try this year



Project I like to try this year

Project I like to try this year

For this months blog Carnival from the Jewelry Artisans Community we need to write about a project we like to try this year.
Well that’s a difficult one, because there are so many things I still have to learn and want to learn too.

I already started with one of them. Branding my jewelry designs and website. 😀
I always wanted to make my own packaging materials and it never was more then a nice piece of paper and ribbon as a gift wrap.

In December I saw a youtube channel  and blog from a lady in England who makes the cutest boxes and envelopes you can imagine.
So I tried to make some of the boxes with the tutorials she gave and before I knew it I was drawing and calculating to make my own designs.
I never thought it was possible for me to like something other then making jewelry, but there is.
These first 2 months of 2017 I have been making boxes, gift bags, candle boxes, punched out butterflies and flowers.
Here is the collection of boxes that I made for the branding project of my jewelry.

All the other “fun” boxes I have made and will be making will be placed in a separate gallery over time.

One of the other things I want to learn is silversmithing, not sure if I will get to that this year though.

Of course there are so many other, techniques in jewelry making that I might not have heard of and I think that when I do stumble upon those that I would want to learn them too.    🙂

What projects do you want to try or learn this year, feel free to tel me and leave comment.

I will be adding the links from our other JAC members when available.

Cat’s Wire – Trying something new

Jewelry Art By Dawn – february-2017 Blog carnival Projects

Carina Veling
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Laatste berichten van Carina Veling (alles zien)

5 gedachten over “Project I like to try this year

  1. Carina, I love what you are doing with your boxes, packaging and branding. They are so unique and so pretty that I’m sure they will stick in the minds of your customers. Plus, you’re having fun making them, so win – win!

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