New earrings in my shop

New earrings in my shop

New earrings in my shop.

The past 3 day I have been adding new earrings in my shop.
They are made from silver plated materials and mostly gemstones.
Although there are a few Lucite flowers in between them.

The colourful flower earrings can be found by clicking on the image.

Bloemen oorbellen / Flower earrings by
Colourful Flowers

The new gemstone earrings are also very colourful.
I made them in reds, pinks, greens, black and orange gemstones.
When you click the images my website will redirect you to the correspondings listings.

Carneool oorbellen / Carnelian earrings by
Orange Carnelian leaves.
Granaat oorbellen / Garnet earrings
Dark Red Garnet leaves.
Rozenkwarts oorbellen / Rose Quartz earrings by
Squigley Rose Quartz.
rode aventurijn oorbellen / red aventurine earrings by
Red Aventurine and Filigree Tubes

And a few more, they can be found in my shop, recognized by the “new blue ribbon” in the left upper corner.

Feel free to ask for more info or leave a comment when you like this post.
Carina Veling
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