Mother of Pearl earrings.

Mother of Pearl earrings.

Mother of Pearl earrings.


New in my shop
I placed 6 pair of fancy coloured mother of pearl earrings in my shop this morning.
They have very vibrant colours and they go for € 7.50 a piece.
They are available in different colours and different patterns.

I have place 3 pairs with cascading colours.

From silver-grey to black. Mother of Pearl oorbellen / Mother of Pearl earrings from violetmoon.nlMother of Pearl earrings silver-grey to black

From a light pink to a dark almost black pink.Mother of Pearl oorbellen / Mother of Pearl earrings from violetmoon.nlMother of Pearl earrings licht pink to dark almost black pink

And I place 3 pairs with a striped pattern in my shop.

Dark bordeaux pink with stripes.Mother of Pearl oorbellen / Mother of Pearl earrings from

Turquoise blue with stripes.Mother of Pearl oorbellen / Mother of Pearl earrings from violetmoon.nlMother of Pearl earrings bordeaux pink and turquoise blue with stripes

Keep watching my shop for new entries that will be placed in the future. 

Feel free to share this article or leave a comment when you have questions or like my earrings.

Carina Veling
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