I made a new envelope flip book

I made a new envelope flip book

I made a new envelope flip book

Yesterday I studied several videos on making an envelope flip book on YouTube and late at night I decided to give it a try myself.  🙂

I used 4 envelopes for this one and made a “spine” to glue them in as pages.
I also glue in a front and a back page and matted them all with 2 layers, a soft green one from paper and then I topped them with mats of different designer papers.

I embellished my book with a few stickers, some tags and glued some butterflies on all of the pages. The little bodies of the butterflies I embellished again with some pearls. Knowing me I will be adding more and more to this envelope flip book over time.  🙂

I hope you enjoy watching  my slideshow/video of my flip book above this post as much as I enjoyed making it.

When you want/need more time to watch the photo’s you can watch them in this gallery.

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Carina Veling
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