I made a new envelope book

I made a new envelope book


envelope book made by vmcdesigns.nl

I made a new envelope book

Can you tell that I loved making this envelope book.
This is the third one I made till now, and I think I wil be making at least one more.

I made a little video for you to see how it looks in real life.

This time I made it with a hard cover, I always wanted to try and make one like that because they are sturdier. I really love the book feel it gives you.

Sadly I didn’t have the corner protectors, but I orderen a “few” of them on Aliexpress and they are on their way to me. As soon as they arrive I will ad them to the corners for extra protection.

Here are the still shots of this album, so you can watch them at your own pace.

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Carina Veling
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