Halloween JAC challenge

Halloween JAC challenge


 Halloween – JAC Challenge

Octobers theme challenge from Jewelry Artisans Community was to be expected of course.


First a short history lesson, because it is not commonly known. At least in my country most people think it’s only for dressing up and the candy.

Just for a night, we have a chance to go out in the world as someone else this weekend. What some may fail to realize this is that the holiday was not always a commercialized attempt to make money for the candy industry.
The roots can of this “holiday” be traced back to the Celtic religion, which dominated Europe before the days of Christianity. The holiday that greatly influenced what we know as Halloween is Samhain, a celebration in which it was believed that the veil between our world and that of the spirits dissipated, allowing those who had passed to walk freely among us. http://wildcat.ariz

But most important the jewelry we made for this challenge.  🙂

We all had to think about what to make because we already made halloween jewelry before and we wanted to come up with something new.

Cat, from Catswire was the first to enter.

I’m cheating a little. This was actually made as a custom order, but it is a new design, so I think it counts ;)
It’s about 1 inch and loomed in 15s.

beaded witch by catswire

I too managed to make a few items, first I made a few earrings with skull beads.
I glued some rhinestones in the eye sockets to give them a bit more bling.

halloween jac challenge skull earrings by violetmoon.nl

And then I came across a tutorial / pattern for a beaded 2D skull. I made it with 28 gauge colour craft wire so that they would be a bit sturdy. I liked making those little 2D earrings and maybe I will make some more in the future. 🙂

halloween jac challenge beaded skull earrings by violetmoon.nl

The last one to enter the challenge was Dawn from Jewelry Art By Dawn she cheated with here entry first because she already made the spiderweb earrings a month or so before the challenge.
I think these are the sweetest spider webs I have seen.

halloween jac challenge by Dawn
Jewelry Art By Dawn

On the last day of October, on Halloween’s day she managed to enter her final design, aren’t these the sweetest little ghosts ………

halloween jac challenge by Dawn
Jewelry Art By Dawn

Feel free to visit the websites from the other artists to leave a comment to share your idea about halloween theme jewelry or just the holiday itself.

Carina Veling
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