End of Summer – JAC September Challenge

End of Summer – JAC September Challenge



End Of Summer – JAC September Challenge


For September the Jewelry Artisans Community challenge was to make something that represents the End of Summer.

I am a tad bit behind with writing my posts about the challenges we have for the Jewelry Artisans Community and I will try to write 2 post in this week.
For september we reveived the image above as a guideline to create a jewelry piece.

I think we all succeeded very well, and even Caroline from the Crafty Chimp had some time to join us that month.

I will no longer keep you in suspense, here are all the creations we made for the September Challenge.

I want to thank Cat (Cat’s Wire), Dawn (Jewelry Art By Dawn) and Caroline (The Crafty Chimp) for their submissions and for playing this challenge.

Feel free to visit the websites from the others, visit and join the Jewelry Artisans Community to read more about the fun we have with these challenges,  share this article or leave a comment below.

Carina Veling
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