Creating jewelry for charity – JAC May blog carnival

Creating jewelry for charity – JAC May blog carnival


jewelry for charity
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Creating jewelry for charity

JAC May blog carnival


This months blog carnival from Jewelry Artisans Community is about creating jewelry for charity.

In all the years of making jewelry I have donated 3 pieces for charity, better said I gave the 3 pieces to be prices for a tombola.

In the village where I live there is a small sports club for disabled people and one of my neighbours has a daughter with down syndrome who happen to be the organisers of that club.
They had a New Years day tombola a few years ago and they asked me if I was willing to sponsor or donate one of my pieces that could be won.

I have a good relation with those neighbours and I have seen their daughter grow up from when she was 8 years old and in the few years my daughter played with her we became friends with them.
So when they asked me if I wanted to donate some of my jewelry for charity I didn’t hesitate and gave them 3 necklaces.

I don’t have photos from all of them, the blue necklace and the bordeaux necklace where among them and the green necklace is similar to the one I donated for the event.

I will add the links from our other JAC members when available, so you can read their blogpost about “Creating jewelry for charity”.

Jewelry Art By Dawn

Cat’s Wire

Carina Veling
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Laatste berichten van Carina Veling (alles zien)

4 gedachten over “Creating jewelry for charity – JAC May blog carnival

  1. I think it gives both the creator and the recipient a special feeling which is very rewarding – and best of all is if something good is gained for it and you could help. Beautiful pieces!

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