Christmas card in 3 colours

Christmas card in 3 colours

christmas in 3 colours

Christmas card in 3 colours

A while ago Willie and Anita form Hobby Alternatief asked us to choose 2 colours with my base colour being white.
It was a nice surprise, we “had” to make a christmas card with only 3 colours.
The usual christmas colours where already spoken for so I choose white, as base colour of course and then grey and red.
I used a ready made white base card from 15 by 15 cm and used 2 mats both white, one I sponged the edges with red ink and the other one with grey. Then the fun began, the colouring of the die cuts I wanted to use, piecing them all together and layering them all.

This is the finished result of my card.

Do you like working with 3 colours ?

Feel free to tell me about it, and please visit the other members blog posts too, I’m sure you would love to see the ones from the others too.

You can read this post in dutch at my HA Blog, I have written more details in there for when you want to know the measurements.

Feel free to leave a comment here or on the posts of the other DT members. It is highly appreciated.

Carina Veling
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